I seem to be the type of person who has many fears....many silly fears with no explanation.
And the fact that I am also a "what if" thinker makes it even worse.
I am afraid of men with bushy beards.
Why, I don't know.
Men with bushy beards have never hurt me in any way. I am sure men with bushy beards are
But they still make me leery.
And then there are people dressed up in costumes.
Not Halloween costumes. I mean, at amusement parks.
The only pictures my parents have of me as a child standing beside "characters" are of me doing the ugly cry counting the seconds until I could run far, far away.
I wasn't stupid. I knew that Scooby Doo and Chuck E Cheese weren't real. What I didn't know was what kind of person was underneath the giant head and why they would think it was ok to put their arm around me.
I am still terrified of the giant, silent costumed people.
But I am trying my hardest not to let my children know about this fear. They love seeing the characters and getting their pictures taken beside them...which is great.
As long as I don't have to join them.

I am glad your kids like it : ) I never minded! It is so funny when people make their kids stand next to costumed people and the kids are screaming like crazy. That always cracks me up!
My kids used to be terrified of "characters" as they call them. In fact, one of my daughters would always ask "Is tonight Thursday" when we were going to eat out at Red Robin because she knew that Thursdays were the nights when RED the Robin would visit in costume. Talk about scary!
I'm terrified of anything in a costume too!!! Bushy beards I'm okay with...turned off by them, but okay with them...
Do you remember the giant moose that used to play the piano at Upper Canada Mall at Christmas? That thing used to creep the hell out of me when I was little. Still gives me the chills now....brrrr!
Stopping by from Mama Kat's...
My little brother used to be terrified by the characters too. But I can honestly say I don't know of anyone else scared of bushy beards! Although, they are pretty disgusting looking.
I hate those characters as well and sadly, have passed that fear on to 4 of my kids. So, we avoid those big, furry dressed-up creepy dudes as well.
My oldest was always afraid of men with facial hair and characters and clowns.
Me, I was always afraid of Santa. Mall Santa's still make me kind of nervous...which is why my girls never sat on Santa's lap.
Oh, I love the new look and header!
Our "irrational" fears are funny aren't they.
Others don't understand, but we just can't help them. Mine are mayonaise, snakes, and having my picture taken.
stopped by from mama kat's
My oldest always hated clowns. When she was a baby I had her room decorated with clowns.... coincidence? Did I MAKE her afraid of clowns? Interesting question....
Thanks for sharing the Joaquin pic. I crack up every time I see that. The interview he did with Letterman was an all time classic. Thank you crazy bearded rapping Mr. Phoenix.
That's so funny! Most people love the characters! Good for you for hiding it from your kids! My husband thinks I will need to hide my fear of spiders from our future children but I just don't think it will be possible.
Bushy beards are G.R.O.S.S. And ya' know- I always picture child molesters as men with beards. Completely unfair, but it is what it is.
Kudos to you for keeping your fear of the "scary" characters from your kids so they can enjoy them. I don't like that Burger King guy though--gives me the creeps!
Visiting from Mama Kat's Writer's Workshop. I used this prompt too.
That is great! I have often wondered what kind of people like to dress up in costumes and either entertain children or make them run away screaming. But I stop wondering and tell my child to sit on his lap so Mommy can take a picture.
That's so funny about the costumed people! But I'm not laughing. I'm terrified of judges. The type who hand down a verdict that affects your life. Because I know that they really don't know jack about anything and don't really care either. They terrify me. I'm also mostly afraid of police officers. I know that they are supposed to help people. But I know that they are human and assume that everyone is lying to them or whatever and I feel immediately defensive whenever I see one. I think my kids are terrified of them too, which is kind of sad, because they are SUPPOSED to help people. I know this. But fear is irrational, right?
I'm with you on the fear of giant costumed characters. I just know there is a sweaty naked man in them!
The only time that I am frightened by a man with a bushy beard is when the man is my husband and he's "decided" to do something different. I can't stand it when he grows a beard! Why would I be scared? Beard Burn!
the kids are screaming like crazy. That always cracks me up!
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