So there.
If you want to join in, let me know and I will start adding a Linky next week. But, if you are in the mood to participate today, then add your link when you leave a comment so we can visit.
I like to visit.
Have you ever shown up for a visit unexpectedly?
Have you ever eaten bananas on your eggs?
You should.
Have you ever tried to take pictures of a grumpy 2 year old wearing an apron?
Have you ever felt lonely even though there were many people around?
Have you ever told your children you love them even when you were royally ticked at them?
Have you ever forgiven someone?
Like, really forgiven them?
Have you ever accepted yourself?
The way you look?
Your quirks?
Have you ever wanted a day to last forever?
Or end immediately?
Have you ever wanted a day off from motherhood?
A week?
Have you ever wondered why your children drink dirty bath water over and over again?
Have you ever worn uncomfortable shoes just because you loved them so much?
Or a bra that makes your boobs look...umm...bigger?
Have you ever worn purple toenail polish?
Or green?
I haven't.
But should try.
Have you ever muted the radio when someone was belting out a song?
Or started dancing foolishly just to make others laugh?
It is fun.
You should try it.

Wow, that's a lot of "have you evers!" The only one I can remember to comment on is the nail polish. I have not worn those colors either.
Oh and the bath water too... yeah I don't get the drinking thing but I'm guessing that I did it to when I was a kid.
Have a great weekend! (and I like the idea of the linky!)
We call it "bum water" and Rachel drinks it all the time!
Love this! And why yes, I have painted my toes blue. You SHOULD try it - it'll make you smile every time you look at them.
I love this too. Great questions. Made me stop and think. I think I've worn blue nail polish and yes, I've felt alone in a room of people. Never put banana on eggs. That's a new one.
Ok, now I so want to have bananas with my eggs. Do I just cut up and plop them on?!! I'll let you know how I like it.
Cool beans ... I loved writing this prompt this past week and I think I'll do another one of these when I'm out of ideas (which is quite often). These posts almost write themselves ... especially if you have a weird mind like I do.
Gigi is right. Paint those toenails blue! It totally makes you smile everytime you look down.
Can't sleep tonight, so I wrote a Have-You-Ever( You should check it out! PS> I painted my toenails green once. They looked terrible.
I definitely think you should do the linky like once a week! I loved doing this so much as my writing prompt from Mama Kat this week. I love reading them too. :)
Yes and yes and yes! Except for the banana on eggs thing. Ewww!
And what is up with the bathwater thing???
I HAVE worn ALL those colors of nail polish! They are actually my fave!
And I dance around like an idiot in the kitchen in an attempt to make my kids laugh while they are eating!
Those are great "have you ever's" and to so many of them I answered yes. Great idea to do it weekly.
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