September 30, 2010

My dining room..err...ummm...dining area.

Soooo...this is our dining room, which isn't really a dining room because it is connected to our kitchen and is not separated by any walls.

But...we "dine" in this room only when we have guests over. So, to me that makes it a dining room.

I mostly use the table to store my crap which drives my husband insane, but isn't that what dining rooms are for?  To store crap until we have guests over and then we pretend that we have our sh%^ together and make it all nicey-nicey until they walk out the door.

Or is that just me?

Anyways, here is our dining room.  Or should I say dining "area".

Our very big table.  It isn't always this big but the last time we had a get together, we added the extra leaves and never took them out.

That was last Christmas!
Hubby picked out the lighting, and I must admit, he did a frickin good job.  I love the sconces and chandelier.
The view from the kitchen "area".
Can someone make/buy us some window coverings please?
The view from the children's bedroom hallway.
My $10 centrepiece arrangement.  Remember, I am no where close to Martha Stewart, even though I want to be.  Don't judge.

Hubby picked out the dining furniture. It is dark. It is manly looking. And it is formal. I feel like it belongs in Hugh Hefner's formal dining room, but, nope. It sits in our very casual home, and somehow fits in just fine.
Check out more dining rooms here.
I bet they have "real" dining rooms.
And nicer centrepieces.


Gigi said...

Well, if my dining room table is anything to go by - why then yes, it is a place to store things until you have company!

I love your dining "room!" That table is fabulous!

Traditions By The Seasons said...

Gorgeous! ~Liz =)

kate said...

Your dining 'area' is gorgeous! I love the fall centerpiece too!

kate said...

Your dining 'area' is gorgeous! I love the fall centerpiece too!

kristi said...

Beautiful! My table is my "catch all". I need more space!

Heather said...

Your dining room is so pretty! I love it! Love the beautiful fall pieces that you have out!

Unknown said...

Lovely! And I love the big windows.

ARK said...

Why buy window coverings? The view is GORG!

3LittleByrds said...

I love how big the table is and I like your pumpkins.

Jenners said...

That is one big table.

And yes ... I use mine to store all kinds of papers, work on large Lego projects, dry artwork and the like ... but if you visit, you'd never know because I'd shove it all into a box and put it in a closet.

Tabitha Blue said...

Well I LOVE your dining area! It's absolutely gorgeous!!! :)
