May 07, 2013

This is me being all light and fluffy.

I was going to get all mushy and emotional in this post, discussing grief, love and moving forward.
But then I thought I would discuss Ike and Duke's bathtime.
Because that is all my sanity can handle right now.

Sometimes it is better to be all light and fluffy instead of all deep and...ummm.....profound.

Uh huh.

So......Ike and Duke enjoy rolling in the mud.
90% of the time they look like this.
And then once in awhile we spend some family time cleaning them up.
Some families have movie night or game night to enjoy some quality moments together.
We bathe horses.
I mean, c'mon.....look how happy my kid looks.......
Let me rephrase that.
Husband and the boy children bathe the horses.
I take photos.
And the girl child plays in the sandbox.
Nothing makes me happier than having clean children and clean, nice smelling horses.
Their shiny coats and shampoo smelling manes gives me more satisfaction than I should admit.
And, because I know their cleanliness will last approximately 11.2 seconds, I take pictures to document the moment.
Pictures of Ike drinking the water because it makes me giggle.
I enjoy giggling.
Light and fluffy instead of deep and profound.
That's me.
Pictures of oldest child taking them for a walk to the end of the driveway.
And pictures of husband taking them for a run.
Animals are therapeutic.
And taking pictures of them running with your husband wearing green boots is even more therapeutic.

Rurality Blog Hop #12


Cyndy Bush said...

I have declared tomorrow Official Dog Bathing Day. We have three, a little one, a medium, and a large. I will get intense satisfaction out of them smelling fabulous, so - I get it!

Thistle Cove Farm said...

Hi, visiting from Madge and loving your beautiful horses; are they Friesians?

carol l mckenna said...

Wow! Magnificent horses! Your family looks so loving and precious ~ Great post Rurality ^_^

Tanya Breese said...

haha i enjoyed your post and wow, your horses are gorgeous!

Amy Burzese said...

Beautiful horses!

Gigi said...

Sometimes, light and fluffy is the way to go. Particularly when deep and profound hurts.

Bruce Clark said...

Great looking horses and well captured

MTWaggin said...

There truly are some precious photos in this post. I love love love it!!!!!

Hilary said...

They're beautiful!