September 16, 2013

Barn Charm

One of my most favourite things to do in life is go for a family boat ride around the lake that I consider my Heaven on Earth.
We load up the children, the dog, the Grandma and the towels and make ourselves comfortable for the tour.

The tour is short at the beginning as we have to stop in the middle of the lake, so the children can go for a swim.
Sometimes I join them, but it has to be just the perfect temperature for me to plop myself into a large body of water inhabited by fish and other scary water creatures.

I'm a wimp.
Don't judge.

Anyways, as we journey around the lake, we fantasize about owning a cottage.
We point out the cottages that we love and wish we owned.
But usually they cost over one million dollars.

So we dream.
I would love a place with a nice dock littered with colourful Muskoka chairs and flower-filled planters.
I would love a place with an entire wall of windows facing the water.
Indoor plumbing would be good.
And maybe even a water trampoline for the children {and me} to play on.

But convincing my husband to move to a waterfront home is a tough sell because he loves his horses so much and would never leave them behind.
But then I saw this.......
{near Fenelon Falls, Ontario  Canada}
A barn. With a waterfront view.
Now, we just need to win the lottery.


Gigi said...

My fingers are crossed for you...your's is a different lottery than ours, right? If not, then I'm sorry. I plan on winning this lottery so that I can pay off college, sell this house, quit my job & move to the beach.

Mari said...

That's a beautiful shot! Beautiful barn too - you better win!
PS - I wouldn't be jumping in the lake either. :)

Twyla and Lindsey said...

Lovely shot! Twyla

Elaine said...

You've found the best of both worlds! Good luck on that lottery!

Tanya Breese said...

what a pretty summer scene!

Tanya Breese said...

what a pretty summer scene!

Kim, USA said...

A barn overlooking the water is perfection love it!


Nell at njschout said...

Oh, what fun! That would be perfectfor you.