Don't get all excited about it though, because I still hate the smells....and the mess....and the wild creatures/rodents that hang out where it is quiet.
But I do love Ike and Duke the horses.
Mostly because they let me kiss them and call them foolish love-y names.....
....but also because they eat our grass and keep some of the wildlife away.
I also enjoy cows.
I know, I know. I have expressed my love of the Bovidae family before, but when we went to the Royal Winter Fair on the weekend, my love of the beauties was rekindled and I am convinced we need to have a few.
As pets though.
Not food.
I wouldn't want a bull because they are big....have balls to the ground and look at me like they want to eat me.

Or sit on me.

But a few friendly, pretty girl cows named Mabel and Maude would make me happy.

Cows that come to me when they are called.
Cows that let me shower them with the hose, brush their "fur" and blow dry it with heavy duty blowers like they do at the fancy shmancy farm shows.
Maybe they would even let me put a few pink bows in to make them look purrty.

I am a simple person.
love the cows too, great shots of nature's beauties ~ thanks, carol, xxx
OMGOsh Mable or Maude... Love it and your photos. Now I think I may need a cow too :)
Cows are cool! Very curious creatures... perhaps enough to wear a pink ribbon... Thank you for coming by to share on Rurality Blog Hop #39!
Great photos of the cows.
Fun post. I like the pics of the cows. :-)
I am so coming to visit your farm someday. So you cannot leave the country... :)
Always something positive to off set the negative for farm life♪ Nice series of shots.
I LOVE my country life. Cows are pretty. Years ago I raised a baby bull whose mom abandoned it; I bottle fed him. It was a neat experience.
I'll pass on having cows now but I want goats! Soon, I hope to have some.
My neighbors have a few cows. They have a LOT of personality. They do get poo all over themselves though. And are a bit high maintenance for me. But I enjoy watching them eat and hearing them moo.
Come on over I have a few you could pet or have not sit on you:) B
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