February 29, 2012

Dear Summer

I miss you.
I love you.
I want you back.
{Summer 2011}





Come back to me warm weather.
Sun-kissed skin.
And the smell of sunscreen.
Bring on the water.
The constant watermelon eating.
And sand in every crevice of my children's bodies.
I want to plant my veggies.
The smell of freshly cut grass.
And dinners on the patio.

I miss you summer.
I want you back.
Lets make out.

Love Momma


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February 28, 2012

10 Year Old Attitude

I have always gotten teary-eyed when talking about the love I have for my children.
How much I wanted to become a Mother.
How I just knew being a Mother was what I was meant to do.

But being the Mother of a 10 year old boy is not what I signed up for.
I get teary-eyed for different reasons now.
I am thinking of moving out until my boys are....umm...adults.

I used to work with children.
My job was to support/teach children...and some of them were 10.
I came home at the end of my work day grateful that I didn't have a 10 year old.
The attitude.
The language.
The attitude.
I came home.  Sat in my quiet house.  Hugged my dog.  Dreaded my next day at work with 10 year olds.

Now I have a 10 year old.
I cannot escape.
The attitude.
The language.

Don't get me wrong.
I love him madly, but living with a child who thinks he is an adult and knows everything about everything wears thin.  Living with a boy who {is too young to be obsessed with girls}  is obsessed with girls and feels the need to call his Mother, "woman" instead of "Mom" takes a toll on me.

I still love my 10 year old more than anything, but when he constantly feels that he is entitled to have anything and everything he wants, it irks me.
When he calls his siblings "losers"...
...plays on the computer 18 hours a day...
...eats 17 cookies for snack...
...and expects an allowance after doing...umm...no chores, I get a little frustrated.

OK, alot frustrated!!

But I love him.
And I love being his Mother.
I just wish he would realize that no one will ever love him more than me.
I just wish he would write me love letters instead of his girlfriend.
I just wish he would appreciate all he has.
And work for what he wants to have.
I just wish he would stop eating so much.
Or get a job to help pay for groceries.
But that would mean he would have to get off of the computer.

10 year old boys are tough.

Hold me.

Live and Love...Out Loud

February 26, 2012

Random/Miscellaneous/Snippets/This and That

It's all I have got right now people.
Momma is mind farting and has no frickin idea how to word a proper post at the moment .
So take this, for now.
Don't judge.
Just accept me during my ups and downs.

*Middle child saved up his money and purchased an Ipod Touch this weekend. I play on it when he is on the toilet, in bed...and just about any other time he isn't not in the room. I am in love with it. Completely.

*Can we take a moment to watch this just because it makes me me laugh. And we all have experienced something similar at least once in our lives. C'mon, admit it. I wont tell anyone.

*I have no interest in seeing "The Artist".

*Signed up three children for sports teams this summer.  I will now be selling my body to pay for it all.

*Momma:"I love you Princess"
  Princess:"Will you still love me when I'm stinky?"

*Ike and Duke the horses have been bad lately.  Not only did they chew through the electrical cord that heats their water trough {which could have resulted in horse electrocution}, but they have done this to many trees on the property.

*Middle child won an award this week. I got teary-eyed for a few reasons.
-Because he looks about 2 years older than the rest of his peers
-Because he looks about 6 years older than the two girls to his right who are only a year younger
-Because he was soooooooooooooo nervous, but got up in front of many people to shake the Principal's hand and to receive his award
-Because my baby is growing up

*Dear Winter. I am done with you. Take a hike. Love Momma

*God and I are not on good terms right now. In fact, I am quite ticked off with him lately and I am currently giving him the silent treatment

*I am only 2 followers away from 300! I always say that it doesn't matter how many people read my stuff, but I cannot lie.....I am giddy with excitement over the fact that I am almost out of the 2 hundreds. I want to celebrate. I want to give away stuff. Maybe some of my favourite things. Or hugs and wet kisses. But that would be weird right?
I just love you guys so much
(((((Group hug)))))

February 24, 2012

Crap I Learned this Week

*Walking at 13.0 incline at 3.6 miles an hour for 35 minutes on a treadmill will almost kill me

*That awful smell coming from my fridge was a cucumber, under the celery that was bought approx 3.5 weeks ago

*Princess jumps up and down after doing a #2 to shake off any excess poo before wiping

*I vomit easily

*Studley can still run


*Found here

*I am not as strong as I act

*There is nothing more important than family.

But I already knew that.

Happy Weekend y'all!

February 23, 2012

I need a drink or two...or 47.

Can we all just take a moment to look at these pictures taken 11 years ago?
Now can we have a moment of silence as we remember how fabulous I looked when I was young?
And skinny.

Now lets go get drunk so I can drown my feelings.

Give me your best shot at Better in BulkPhotoStory Friday
Hosted by Cecily and Lolli

February 22, 2012

Black and White...and Pink

Man, this two blog thing is friggin hard to keep up with for someone who can't even focus long enough to shave her legs in the morning.
I was going to put this up on the photography blog, but then realized I already wrote something there for today that was supposed to be over here
I have issues.
Many, many issues.
So I am putting it here and not stressing about it, because that's what I do. Not stress about stuff.
Momma doesn't enjoy stress because it causes zits, chocolate binging, alcohol consuming and anxiety attacks.
And, I am not getting paid to write.
So there.

Anyways, it snowed here on the weekend which is rare for this winter.
The famdamily took advantage of the white stuff and I tried to capture some photos around the homestead. But.....when it snows hard, it is difficult to capture anything other than the big white snowflakes falling from the sky.

Another reason I hate winter and feel the need to move south.

This is a fence.  The fence that my hubby built.  I enjoy fences.
This is Studley the dog. I enjoy watching him enjoy the snow.
This is Duke the Horse. He is cute. For a horse.
This is Princess in pink enjoying some quality time with Ike the Horse. She loves him and he loves her. Duke, however did not enjoy her bright pink outfit jumping around in the middle of a blizzard. Big wimp.
This is another picture of Studley, just because he is the cutest senior, arthritic canine in the Universe.
And I am pretty sure this is the cutest lil' Princess in pink ever. She calls this hat her "Lion King hat".

Go see more Rural Thursday stuff at this great place. Tell her that I need some help learning textures in Photoshop. She is a pro.  And, ummm......I am not.

Annnnnnnnnnd, because I am totally not stressing over this, you can check out my You Capture post over on my JBP blog. You're totally keeping me away from the booze by doing this, just so you know. Thanks muchly.
Just Because Photography

February 21, 2012

Butt Crack

We have a problem in our home.
Out of our home.
Just about everywhere we go.
You see, Princess finally wears pants.
I know. It is a huge milestone but dont get too excited about it. If we are home and not going anywhere, she puts a dress on.
She also informs me 382 times a day, that when it is summer again she will wear dresses every day.
Fine.  Whatever.
Anyways, this is our problem.

Butt crack

Alot of butt crack.
Butt crack is exposed at all times.
And she doesnt care.
She walks/runs/jumps/climbs/sits with butt cleavage hanging out all of the frickin time.
And looks at us like we are the weirdos for asking her to pull up her pants.
Then she walks away with her ass hanging out.

I have gathered together many possible solutions for our problem.
*a belt-she hates them
*feeding her more food so her butt gets bigger-she eats alot already
*tightening straps in waist of jeans-I do
*putting elasticized pants on-she refuses to wear them
*convincing myself that it is cool-Justin Bieber does it
*not sweating it because there are only a few months until summer-ding!ding!ding!
So, until then I will casually pull up her pants when giving her hugs and kisses and just deal with the bum cheek crevice.
I pick my battles and this one isnt worth it.
And I am tired.
Dont judge.

You can also see more Wordful Wednesday stuff here

February 20, 2012


*We don't celebrate Valentine's Day.
I don't make my children heart-shaped pancakes.
I don't buy my husband a gift.
I just give him my love.
I didn't spend alot of money on chocolates and write love notes for my children.
I just told them I loved them.
Like I do every day.

*I do not enjoy planning birthday celebrations.
I wish I did.
But I just cant get into it.
And I am cheap.

*I want Smokey to NOT be a barn cat.
I want Smokey to live inside our warm house.
I want to cuddle Smokey on the couch and let her sleep at the end of our bed.

*I told Rowdy that his hair looked "nice" when he styled it like this.
I didn't want to hurt his feelings.
But, in all honesty I think he looks nice no matter what his hair looks like.DSC_0676

*Studley eats horse poop

*Blackie the cat is missing
I am very sad about this

*I am going to use this as leverage when arguing about Smokey becoming a house cat

February 16, 2012

The Day

I walked through the double doors with three arguing children in tow, excited to fill out the paperwork.
It was Kindergarten Registration Day.
The day I had been looking forward to for many years.
The beginning of the rest of my life.

All three children in school.
Every day.
All day.

I practically skipped my way into the office.
I almost belted out the song "Hallelujah",  but restrained myself out of fear that they would turn us away.
A folder full of papers was handed to me with a pen.

I started writing everything down.
Her name...
birth date.
April 20, 2008.

I paused.
That day feels like just last week.
I remember waddling into the hospital anxious to get everything going.
Still not believing that we were going to have a baby girl.
I remember the pain...
...the joy.
The perfect daughter.

And now I was filling out a form for her to hop on a bus every day and leave her Momma at home.
Every day.
All day.

People always tell you to enjoy the moments because the time goes by too fast.
And as I sat there with my three children, I had to stop.
Because this moment that I had waited so long for, was not one I was enjoying.

The chaos.
The "needing" and "wanting".
The playing.
The serving.
The chauffeuring.

I enjoy it.
I like my kids being at home with their Momma.
I like the noise.

And in 7 months, I will be alone without my children.
All day.

Were you sad when all of your chidlren went to school?
Did you jump for joy?
What will I do with my time?

Give me your best shot at Better in BulkPhotoStory Friday
Hosted by Cecily and Lolli

An Island Life

February 15, 2012

Reverse Bucket List

Things I Don't Want to do Before I Die.
1.  Wear shoes like this
2.  Retire in Nunavut.  I am sure it is a lovely place.........just not for me.

3.  Swim with sharks..

4.  ...or stingrays.  Umm...does the name Steve Irwin ring a bell?????????

5.  Become a vegetarian.  I love animals and prefer to block out anything that happens between the time the animal is living to when it is on my plate.....but I just cannot give up meat.  If I had to, I would....but it's tasty.  And our bodies need protein.  And I am not a huge fan of nuts and beans.  Enough said.

6.  Learn to knit/crochet/sew/weave/quilt.  I have no desire to learn.  But if someone wants to make me something, it makes me very happy.

7.  Work as a Podiatrist.  Feet are gross.

8.  Go to a Bluegrass music concert.  My husband, on the other hand would go every day if he could.

9.  Apply to be a contestant on the TV show Fear Factor.

10.  Get into politics.  Oh, the stuff they would bring up about me................

Check out this wonderful place to see more workshop stuff.

February 14, 2012


I used to hate Crocs.
I could never understand why anyone would spend their hard-earned money on rubber, fugly shoes.
I was shocked when my Mom actually wore hers in public.
I swore I would never wear them....ever.

Until I tried them on.
And wore them for abit.
My feet fell in love with them.
My almost 37 year old, high arched, bony, long, skinny feet made themselves at home and let me know that I should wear them more often.

I now wear them every day as "slippers".
Because our home is full of hardwood and tile and my almost 37 year old, high arched, bony, long, skinny feet need comfort.

And I have almost convinced myself that I should actually wear them in public.