Man, this two blog thing is friggin hard to keep up with for someone who can't even focus long enough to shave her legs in the morning.
I was going to put this up on the photography blog, but then realized I already wrote something there for today that was supposed to be over hereI have issues.Many, many issues.
So I am putting it here and not stressing about it, because that's what I do. Not stress about stuff.
Momma doesn't enjoy stress because it causes zits, chocolate binging, alcohol consuming and anxiety attacks.
And, I am not getting paid to write.
So there.
Anyways, it snowed here on the weekend which is rare for this winter.
The famdamily took advantage of the white stuff and I tried to capture some photos around the homestead. But.....when it snows hard, it is difficult to capture anything other than the big white snowflakes falling from the sky.
Another reason I hate winter and feel the need to move south.
This is a fence. The fence that my hubby built. I enjoy fences.

This is Studley the dog. I enjoy watching him enjoy the snow.

This is Duke the Horse. He is cute. For a horse.

This is Princess in pink enjoying some quality time with Ike the Horse. She loves him and he loves her. Duke, however did not enjoy her bright pink outfit jumping around in the middle of a blizzard. Big wimp.

This is another picture of Studley, just because he is the cutest senior, arthritic canine in the Universe.

And I am pretty sure this is the cutest lil' Princess in pink ever. She calls this hat her "Lion King hat".
Go see more Rural Thursday stuff at this great place. Tell her that I need some help learning textures in Photoshop. She is a pro. And, ummm......I am not.
Annnnnnnnnnd, because I am totally not stressing over this, you can check out my You Capture post over on my JBP blog. You're totally keeping me away from the booze by doing this, just so you know. Thanks muchly.