I am just a gal going through the toughest time of her life.
I am just a gal not sure how to face every day ahead of her without her Daddy.
I am just a gal trying to digest what has happened over the last week....the last year of her life.
How do I just go on with my life after worrying every moment since 2010 about my Daddy?
How do I just move on when my Daddy was still so young and had so much life ahead of him?
How do I just live when he cant?
I am breathing. That is the first step, right?
I am comforted knowing that my Daddy is no longer in pain.
I am comforted by the amount of support our family has during this difficult time.
I am remembering our wonderful memorial service that honoured a wonderful man.
That's all I can do right now.
Who knows.
Maybe I will shave my legs.
That will be a huge accomplishment.
{all of these beauties were displayed at Dad's memorial. I like flowers}
{you can click on the photos to see the writing better. I am too tired to change it}
I am so sorry.
So sorry to hear of your loss. It's never easy losing someone you love so much. Hugs to you!
I'm so sorry...I know exactly how you feel. Praying for you!
As impossible as all of those things feel, you do them anyway. Maybe in haze of grief, but you do them.
So sorry that you've your Dad has passed on. Psalm 23 has always been a great help to my heart, also.
Everyone grieves differently and works through the loss at a different pace.
Death and its accompanying separation are inevitable aspects of life. Very humbling aspects.
In some ways I feel closer to my mother now that she has passed (almost exactly a year ago and she had just barely turned 55). I feel like she can watch the day-to-day things in my life that she couldn't before. I feel like she is very aware of my life and my kids' lives. I feel her happiness at being released from the pain she was in, and I feel that she is still living and busily engaged elsewhere, that the death is but a temporary parting.
I hope that you are able to feel such comfort and have hope.
Life is never the same once a parent is gone. It takes time to adjust to this new reality.
You are in my thoughts and prayers.
Yes, breathing is a BIG thing. Sometimes in our grief we forget to do so. You are doing amazingly well. Just keep taking it minute by minute and eventually you'll take it hour by hour, then day by day, and then week by week. You'll get there, but the first step is breathing. ((Hugs))
Breathing is a big thing. Just continue as you are. Take care of yourself. Be there for your kids. Let yourself cry. Honor his memory.
I haven't been able to comment lately, but I've been able to read all your posts through my reader. I am so sorry for everything you're going through. I hope it gets better for you day by day.
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