November 24, 2008

Person of the Week

Rowdy. Not his real name but it suits him perfectly.

Other names that would suit him are:









Rowdy is my middle child. My second boy.

Rowdy came into this world on his own terms.

Three days early on the day of his brother's second birthday party which we had to cancel in between contractions.

So fast that the nurses rushed to find us a room.

So fast that the nurses were not prepared as I told them I had to push.
They ran around getting stuff ready as they told me NOT to push. Yeah right.
So fast that the doctor wasn't in the room when he was born.

Since that day, Rowdy has lived life on his own terms whether we agree with him and the choices he makes or not.

He is a risk taker. I like to say he has no fear...which is a good thing...and a bad thing.

Rowdy overdosed after drinking a bottle of cough medicine at the age of 2. After spending the day in emerg and drinking charcoal, he was released.

He said he liked the way it tasted.
Rowdy likes to climb. The higher he goes the better.
Rowdy likes to wrestle. He doesn't know his own strength until others are in tears.
Rowdy is loud. All of the time. A "quiet voice"/"indoor voice" does not exist in his 4 1/2 year old body.
Rowdy is funny. Not just because he does silly things but because he is just funny. Comedic. He can get anyone around him laughing in just a few minutes. I dare you not to find the things he says funny. You just have to meet him first.
Rowdy is a junk food addict. I swear it is inherited from his father.....and mother......and grandfather.....and uncle......and grandmother...........
I say every house deserves a child like Rowdy. Your life will never be boring.

1 comment:

Jen said...

What a great kid. I liked getting to know him better.