“Someone's opinion of you does not have to become your reality.” -- Les Brown
I have lived most of my life worried about what other people think about me.
Wanting to fit in.
Wanting to be the prettiest.
At 34, I am finally realizing that the only thing that matters is that I love myself.
I am working on it.
I am glad you realize it! I was older when I realized it now I am the happiest I have ever been.
I'm still working on it too - but isn't freeing to realize that you are fabulous just the way you are and that you don't have to conform to others idea of how you should be.
It took me a while to not worry about everyone opinion about me. It's liberating to let all that worry go and just celebrating being yourself. Great quote!
This is such an important lesson to learn. We'll all be working on this - all of our lives. I wish it were not so.
great great great quote
Awesome quote! I have struggled with the same thing!
Awesome quote!
I think that we are our hardest critics. Great quote and cute photo.
That is a great realization! Took me till I was older too. Great pic!
Loved the quote, very appropriate to my life...
And thanks for shaving.
Love, love, love it!! Sometimes it takes us awhile to realize that... better late than never!
I NEED to work on that. I am still very unsure about my self and what others think.
Nice legs by way! :)
That quote is fantastic!!! Now if only I can get my pre-tweeny kids to believe it!!!!!
Loved this. I so agree and I am trying to come to that same conclusion.
You got it, sister!
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