8 years.
I can remember where I was. What I was doing. What I was wearing. What I was thinking.
In my car doing paperwork.
Green overalls with a white t-shirt.
I wondered what kind of world my baby would be brought into.

Where were you?
What were you thinking?
I was an engineer on my way to work that morning when I heard the news on the radio that a plane flew into the WTC. Immediately I thought it was a terrorist attack as all cities are a "no fly zone". When I got to work, our entire company watched in horror as the day unfolded. From there is was downhill. From that day on the company started laying off people and sent all their products to be manufactured overseas. They are no longer in business. Till today I am still in disbelief....
Our AF is identical today. I was at work in a small town's downtown area. Everything seemed to stop that day. I don't really recall thinking anything, just grieving. My AF Thank you for remembering the importance of today!
I have lost track on how many times I have answered this. :) I had dropped my children off to school and then I was in Wal-mart when the first uncertain report came in. I drove home to find out what was going on.
I was working at the Gap, when the stock guys came running out asking us to come back and listen to the radio, "a plane just crashed into one of the Twin Towers." The mall was closed and my parents came to see me. We sat on a bench in the mall for a long time, waiting to hear that everyone we knew that worked there were safe. Thankfully, everyone was. Aloha and take care.
was at home about to go to school. Was going to college. My mom called i turned on the news and watched the whole thing. feeling sick. school was canceled for the day and it felt like a dream. glued to the tv for the next few days. what an important day to remember.
I"m on the west coast. I was at home getting ready for work. I ended up keeping the kids home, skipping work and staying glued to the t.v. set all day.
I was driving to work chatting with a friend on the phone when she told me she was seeing it on the news. A few minutes later I was at work glued to the computer watching it happen, convinced it was a sick hoax at first.
I posted about this today. I was at school getting ready to take a lab test. It will be in my memory forever.
Wow, you were pregnant! You must've had a rollercoaster of emotions that day and the days to follow. I was driving to work when the first tower was struck, sitting in rush hour traffic confused and in awe. I watched as the second tower was hit on TV in my boss' office. My employer let most of us leave by lunchtime that day.
Like everyone else, I was glued to the TV until I couldn't watch anymore. Such a sad yet heroic day that should never be forgotten.
It was my MILs birthday. She never celebrates her birthday on her actual birthday any more since that day 8 years ago.
I still wonder what type of a world my children are growing up in. 9/11 just seemed to be the beginning.
I was pregnant too, terrified of the world I was bringing my baby into.
i had just sent my kids to the bus stop and turned on the tv. i don't exactly remember my first thoughts since there have been so many since those first few moments. i remember being in disbelief. i remember thinking about my kids at school and my husband at work; "should we be all together not knowing how far this attack was going to go."
Such a day that left such an impression in all of us. I was at work and heard everything happening over the radio.
I was asleep in my dorm room. I first got mad at my mom for calling and waking me up, and then got over it and was really scared!
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