You learn that you cannot get everything you want.
You cannot give what others need all of the time.
As a Mother you learn that your children do things you do not understand.
Your children do things that you do not want them to do.
Your children do things that annoy the heck out of you.
I can {barely} deal with floppy socks.
I can handle the messy bedroom.
I can even handle them putting ranch dressing on everything they eat.
I can get them to pick up the garbage they throw on the floor.
And I can even be seen in public with them after they style their own hair.
But this.
This I cannot handle.

Hosted by Cecily and Amy
HAHAHAHAHAHA!! Oh my goodness, I can SO relate!! I have found so many apples with teenie tiny bite marks in them hidden around the house!!! Darn kids!
My kids do that all. the. time. Drives me INSANE! At least you know you're not alone. :)
This is just like my HUSBAND putting a gallon container of iced tea back in the fridge with just one sip left in it!! Drives me batty!
OMG! My children to this same thing, except they don't put it back, they just leave it laying around the house.
Yeah-don't expect that to go away anytime soon!
Says the mom of a 15 year old...
I'm not sure what's worse. That or the 1/4 eaten ones I find around here. Geez.
LOL! I get that here sometimes, too! It stinks!
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One of my kids (no one will cop to this) will take a bite of an apple, and then decide that he or she doesn't really want it. So they turn the apple around, so that you can't see the bite.
Until you go to eat it yourself.
Ha ha! The life of a mom!!! The picture says it all. :)
:D hehehehahahahharhar! OH I know how you fell about this .... I think we all do!
Lol! Maybe they're trying their hand at being cup bearer? Which could be looked on as quite the sacrificial love and duty and all...:)
LOL Oh I HATE that! My 4 y.o. does the same thing. What is that about anyway? UGH!
Great PSF post! Have a wonderful weekend! :-)
LOL! Oh how I have seen this more than a few times! But I will say this, they don't do it forever. When they get older they smarten up and throw the apple apple. :)
I stopped by from the Photo Story Friday mclinky...
Oh son does this, too! And I just found a bowl of half-eaten crackers tucked under his little table. Each cracker had one -- ONE -- bite taken out of it, and then was returned to the bowl. Why??
Ugh! My boy does that too, especially while we are at other people's houses. So Frustrating...and wasteful :D
funny. And SO true!
*LOL* LOVE IT! I have the same issue with the bananas they so desperately want and then take a bite and change their minds. Makes me crazy.
That is too funny! It sort of looks like a vampire got a hold of it.
Ours do bananas here!
No kidding! I hate it when my kids do things like that!
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