It looks like this. 3 bags of milk sold in one bag. I am fascinated that Americans are fascinated with the things us Canadians find...well...normal. I never knew that it was only a Canadian thing until recently.
And then I posted this. The comments were very interesting.
So let me explain how the bagged milk thing works.

You purchase the milk. Bring it home. Snip off the corner and put it into a pitcher like this.
See how easy that is?
If you're lucky, you will purchase a pitcher like this that prevents spills when young children drop it on the floor. I will be buying one as soon as I track one down.
Drink up.
Now, not only is Canada a wonderful place to visit because we have Poutine and Beavertails, but we have milk in a bag.
And fabulous hockey teams.
And Tim Hortons.
That's me.

Poutine and Beavertails? OK, I think another post is in order.
I'm still not sold on the milk in a bag though. I think I prefer my gallon jug. Humpfh. To each his own.
Thanks for the clarification!
It just seems like an awful lot of extra work for milk, lol. And who are Poutine and Beavertails, I'm guessing sports?
haha... :) LOVE poutines.
Thank you for this education. I had no idea how milk in a bag would work.
I guess I can see how it would seriously cut down on the recycling - but still....milk in a bag??? And why not just pour it into the pitcher and be done with it? And the poutine and beavertails? Am so not ready to tackle that....still reeling from the milk. Who knew - you Canadians are so close - yet.... so far.....but I appreciate the clarification. The culture clash is mind-boggling....
That's fantastic! Very informative. Let's go have poutine to celebrate! :)
That's very interesting. I don't think I could do milk in a bag though. Although I guess if I lived in Canada I'd have no choice huh?! LOL
And yes I agree with others...Poutine and Beavertails????
That's... interesting. I guess. I wonder why they don't do it that way here. Probably because we don't adjust well to change.
How big are the pitchers? I can't figure out if you can drink three bags before it goes bad ... or if you can buy it one bag at a time.
At any rate, very interesting!
Poutine and beavertails are food right? Yeah about the bagged milk, how much is in 3 bags? is that like equal to a gallon or You really should do another Canadian post. This is great and I love reading about other places and things they have.
I never knew this and I even visited my cousin who lives near Edmonton. Is this all of Canada?
Also, a carton seems much easier. That is all.
learn something new everyday...
i guess it does cut down on trash...
Ok, I never knew that. Interesting.
Can you freeze it?
I feel better now that I understand milk in a bag. THANK YOU. :)
Who knew you'd get a whole blog post about milk in a bag? Thanks for showing how that works. Absolutely fascinating. In Europe, milk comes in a box and not in the refrigerator section. How weird is that?
Milk in a bag, eh? But, do you have milk in a strangely shaped carton that is dysfunctional because it spills every single time you pour it until it is half way empty? Because that's what we have thanks to Costco and their budget cutting stupidness.
We have milk in a bag at one of our gas stations here. It tastes the same and is actually a little cheaper than in a jug.
We don't have those fancy no-spill tops though. :-)
Haha, too much work? To put a bag in a pitcher?!
It's interesting, but I am curious why you don't just pour it into the pitcher.
You can see that even though Canada is just right beside us, we really know nothing about it (most of us don't).
Very interesting! I learned something new today! :) I love how you were able to get an entire post out of something so simple as milk in a it! :)
haha all of your followers say your welcome for giving you a post! haha JK love the info that is soo cool! And man are we americans lazy.
But what are the benefits of having it in a bag? Hmmmm...they don't put it in a carton at all? Hmmm....I must ponder this now. I suppose it would make freezing easy...if you needed to freeze your milk...for some reason.
It seems more environmentally friendly and that it would take up less storage space.
I always thought that the best thing about canada is how beautiful it is.
Brilliant!! A little more work for less waste for the environment works for me!
Okay, I like that it saves space and the environment. I totally get that. I wish we did it over here. So how many gallons in one bag of milk??
It does seem better for the environment. Now spill it on the rest of the stuff you mentioned.
Hey! I'm visiting from Gigi's Ramblings....and you may add me to the list of confused Americans.
So, I guess you don't say, "Be right back...I'm running out for a carton of milk."
Bag 'o milk? Your chips still come in bags, right? Do the bags ever explode in the car trunk when they get squashed? This is fascinating to me!
You all are soooooo funny!!! I bet you never knew that we Americans were so facinated about the little things! I'm just glad we can be friends even through our "differences"! Ha, ha, ha... Love ya, Kristina
Okay, should've read this post before asking all my questions!!
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