Welcome to another week when Momma says a few thank yous. Because she is nice like that....or maybe not.
I consider this my therapy. Free therapy.
So instead of me paying hundreds of dollars to sit on your couch and bitch, you can sit back, nod your head and validate my feelings. For free.
Thank You.
This week I am saying many TU's to one of the largest Zoos in Canada. Brace yourselves.
*To the Zoo who refused to accept our gift certificates because they were recently expired. Thank you very much.

*To the Zoo who charged us $78 admission after denying our gift certificates, thanks alot.

*To the Zoo who charges the same price to enter even though many of the attractions do not open until the summer, thank you very much.

*To the Zoo who did not have many of the popular animals out and about for people who spent $78 to see them, I thank you.

*To the parents of rude children who pushed my children so they could see the animals, thanks alot. I appreciate your wonderful parenting skills and enjoyed watching you

*To the restaurants and snack bars at the Zoo, I thank you for charging $4 for a small pop.

*Thank you for making the Canadian Domain approximately 1 mile down a steep hill and only one way out. Up the 1 mile steep hill. It is ok that we had to push a stroller, carry our camera and listen to our children whine and complain while trying to find our own lungs as we made our way to the top. Really.

*Thank you for not having my kids favourite area open at all. I didn't mind that they were bummed out about it. I enjoy listening to my children whine more often than they already do. The fact that we spent $78 to see it didn't upset us at all.
*Oh yeah, and thanks for keeping the giraffes behind a 25 foot tall fence instead of in the open field where they can come right up to us. I wasn't upset about that. Not one bit.

*To the gift store at the Zoo that charged us $78 admission, thanks for charging $20 for a Webkinz that is $12 anywhere else. We understand you need the money.

*And last but not least, to the young man at Customer Service, thank you for refunding our $78 and accepting our gift certificates after all. I realize that my husband may have scared you a tad with his deep, loud
We will not be returning anytime soon.
Love Momma
doesn't sound like a pleasant visit :(
Sounds down right awful! But I am glad your hubby took charge and got your money back. :D
Oh I am so glad to hear you got refunded your $78. First off, I can't believe it costs that much to go to the zoo and secondly- well I don't really have a secondly. But I AM glad you got refunded.
How much is the exchange rate for American money to Canadian?
Bad Bad Zoo, but the animals are gorgeous. I just started following your blog, if you have room to add this aussie to yours, I would appreciate it. Then you can stalk me officially ha xxx
I took my boys to the zoo this past summer and I won't be back. I guess we're just not zoo people. The most exciting part for my kids was the $20 I spent on ice cream.
Oh, and we went to Disney World's Animal Kingdom last year around this time and it was just a big zoo with a few rides, shows, and attractions. I was so disappointed.
Thanks for linking up!!
Wow $78.00 for the zoo, that seems pretty steep. Glad they ended up taking your gift certificates.
$78 for a frigging zoo? For that kind of money, I want to ride an elephant and feed a giraffe and groom a bear!
Good for your husband! Great pictures. :) I hope you all enjoyed yourselves a little bit...
THank you for having a miserable experience so that I could wake up and read it and laugh on a Saturday morning!
I like your pictures. Especially the one of the Zebra!
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