....or does anyone else.....

get the heebie-jeebies.....

when they think of all of the icky,

slimy creatures

in the ocean???

{pictures taken at Vancouver Aquarium behind glass where there was no chance of Momma stepping on or touching these icky, slimy creatures}

LOL! I grew up swimming in the ocean so no, it doesn't give me the heebie jeebies. Now swimming in a lake (something I never do) does give me the heebie jeebies.
Great shots!
Um, yes. I am totally grossed out and that is why you will never find me swimming in the ocean.
Your pictures are really wonderful! And, I actually LIKE all these slimey sea creatures. I don't mind touching them a bit. However, the sea creatures with teeth and poison I am far more leery of! :)
oh yes, I really get the heebie jeebies with oceans and lakes, and puddles, and any body of water that is not very very clear so that I can see any such creatures coming from miles away.
heated indoor pools are my place to swim in thank you very much. LOL
The ocean doesn't bother me so much because the water is constantly moving. The lake does- the water seems stagnent.
There's plenty of weird and slimy creatures on land, too!
You didn't even ADD the fish. Fish creep the crud out of me. Shudder. Since Gracie loves all things ocean however, I have to keep my skeevies to myself. She's very protective of her slimy friends. :)
Oh girl, I am right there with you. I do like the ocean for this exact reason. I get the super heebie jeebies from all those pictures :)
As long as the water is crystal clear and I can see the little suckers - I have no problem.
One time in Florida though, I kept getting stings! Nothing was there. I thought I was imagining stuff. Finally I couldn't take it and got out of the water. We walked to the end of the pier and look down. There is a HUGE school of mushroom head jelly fish! OUCH!!
Must have been their babies or flaking skin or something in the water. Not fun.
St. Thomas --that's a nice place to swim. :-)
You are not alone...when I was young I loved to go in the ocean and go really far out in the surf, now I don't go past my waist. I like water where you can see the bottom now.
I'm right there with you!!
I am SURE you are not alone but they don't bug me personally. Great pics!
Sorry- I wish I could relate, but I scuba dive- so mama loves her some tentacled slimines. Sharks are another story.
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