October 17, 2011

Proud Mommy

We live in a farming community.
Not to brag or anything, but we live in Ontario's vegetable growing capital.
If you live in Ontario and purchase vegetables, there is a good chance that they were grown right here.
Like just across the street from me.
Or down the road and around the corner.

Our farming community celebrates the harvest every year with a HUGE event.
Like REALLY huge.
Like so huge that it was in the newspaper and advertised everywhere around this lovely farming community.
I am sure everyone from here to Toronto knew about it.
So it was HUUUUUUGE!
And it wasn't just the vegetables that were popular that day.

Ike and Duke were too.

And I was just like a Mommy nervously watching her children in the Christmas concert.
Would they behave?
Do they look good?
Would they do something to embarrass our family?
Please God, don't let them hurt anyone.
OhEmGee, my prayers were answered.
They looked so good.
And they were well behaved.
And no one one was hurt during the entire 8 hours they were out in public.
Back and forth, back and forth, all day long, they pulled and pulled.
They walked over bridges.
And on top of darkened pavement {that totally freaks Duke out}.
They looked good.
And didn't embarrass our family.
I was a proud Momma.
Maybe, just maybe, I got a little choked up when I saw our {2000 pound} babies standing calmly while many, many people loaded into the wagon over and over again.
They looked so good.
And as I snapped pictures, I let them know how proud I was.
And then I kissed them on the mouth and went home to my warm house.

Go here to see more Wordful Wednesday stuff


Foursons said...

You're famous! :)

Gigi said...

They DO look good! They did you proud!

Emily said...

The people of Toronto are still talking about this event..

Stacy Uncorked said...

That sounds like an event I would love to go to! And you should be proud, mama - your babies look awesome and well-behaved! ;)

Finally Decked Out For Fall

Jenners said...

They look fantastic!! I'm sure they were the hit of the day. They are so striking looking!