I am.
I will prove it to you, by sharing 10 things about my hubby that could not be made up.
1. He loves bluegrass music. He loves it so much that he even listens to the "Bluegrass Junction" radio station.....and knows all of the words to pretty much every song. True story.
2. He enjoys plaid. Shirts/underwear/jackets/tshirts.
3. Hubby would eat a diet of red meat only, if he could. But since I don't eat much of it and he doesn't cook, he is shit out of luck! Bahahahahahahaha

4. He always grows a beard when on vacation

5. In preparation for any event in which he would have to dress up, he always takes the time to clean his dress shoes. Like, not just a quick wipe. He gets out the polish and a special cloth and goes to town on them until you can see your reflection.
6. He has an obsession with squeegeeing the shower door.
7. When referencing a #2, he calls it a "boomer" or "dropping the kids off at the pool". Told ya. There is no one like him.
8. He enjoys horses. Big, draft work horses. He is the reason we have Ike and Duke. He enjoys going to horse auctions. He searches them online every single night.

9. He tells his Mom that he loves her at the end of every phone conversation.
10. He makes sure to tell his wife and kids he loves them every day....about 272 times. Sometimes we say it back.
He still loves us.
He is a keeper.
Ooooooooooo...this was fun. More to come..........
That was fun. Great, random, interesting facts. It sounds like you have a good guy--and one who is NOT boring. :)
I wish my husband had an obsession with the shower door!
How do I go about fostering an obsession in MY husband with the shower door?!
So sweet. What a special man. Love the shower squeegee!
"He tells his Mom that he loves her at the end of every phone conversation." That's cool. :o)
Nice to get to know him better!! And my husband has a 100 different euphemisms for #2 -- including "drop a chalupa" (WTF?) and "dunking a donut." What is it with men???!!!?
Anyone who cleans the shower door is definitely a keeper! You are now the envy of every woman in the entire world.
So many men don't say those things. Love that he tells his mom and you guys he loves you!
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