January 03, 2013

The dog who wont die and the cat who just might.

Oh man, have I had a day.
I seriously contemplated drinking until I forgot what day it was...what year it is.....
But I held back my urges and felt sorry for myself instead.

Smokey and her baby girl, Lily went in to be spayed today.
Do you know how hard it is to keep food away from barn/outdoor cats who can kill their next meal?
The clinic called after their pre-surgical examination to inform me that my Smokey baby has a Grade 4 heart murmur.
That's bad.

Do dogs have 9 lives?
Because I think Jersey has used up 3 of his in the last three months.
And then today, my worst fear happened and I just know I will have nightmares about what I witnessed.
Duke the 2000lb horse kicked Jersey the 50lb dog.
And Jersey is still alive.
He shouldn't be, but he is.
I have no explanation except Jersey is the luckiest dog in the world today.
He might not be the smartest German Shepherd around, but he just might have horsehoes up his ass.
Bad joke.  I know.
He is alive.
No stitches.
No broken bones.
No {obvious} physical damage.
{although I'm sure he is mentally traumatized....as am I}
My dog has 9 lives.
And my favourite kitty might not have more than 1.

Why does my life suck huge balls right now?
 Side note- Isn't he the cutest canine you ever did see?
Give me your best shot at Better in BulkPhotoStory Friday
Hosted by Cecily and Lolli


Linda! said...

Vikki, Jersey is absolutely *glorious*! He's spectacular.

Hope your Smokey kitty survives to be a happy, long-lived mouser.

Brandie said...

He is a cute LUCKY dog. Wow sorry about the sick kitty :(

Gigi said...

Oh Vikki - your poor kitty! I'm sorry.

Jenners said...

Jersey is a gorgeous dog. So proud and regal … and lucky. Jeez … I can't imagine how that must have felt. I hope he stays away from horses.

And poor Smokey. Hugs.

Cyndy Bush said...

That black and white of Jersey....STUNNING. He is one gorgeous dog.
I hope Smokey pulls through!

Kris @ beyond the whiskers said...

hmmm,maybe they are sharing lives. Beautiful pictures. They both look like sweethearts.