March 08, 2009


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Synergy Girl said...

Oh my goodness...This is funny. I just went up to my room about an hour ago and took a picture of my laundry "Mountain"...I am planning to post a plea to my fellow friends and bloggers for a trade...I will clean all of their bathrooms in exchange for my laundry being folded....AHHH!!! The question is if I can bear to put my dirty laundry on the web where everyone can see it...

Carebear said...

I am also cracking up because my living room looks like a laundry explosion took place. There are piles of folded laundry on every surface - couch, coffee table, chair! I'm proud of you that yours is piled in a laundry basket on the stairs. You're a few steps closer to putting it away than I am, so pat yourself on the back girl! Oh, and in answer to your question, NO it NEVER ends, aarrrgghh!

kristi said...

This is funny!! My hubby took a photo of me the other day with mounds of laundry piled beside me. UGH. Laundry is hell.

Heatherlyn said...


just when I'm on a roll and caught up constantly because I'm doing 3 loads a day (and putting it away) my kids will drag 10 blankets and pilows outside and then dump them in the laundry room when they are done. Or throw up. Or something.

MOMMY-MOMO said...

ha! serious huh? i have a huge pile of clean clothes piling up in our room right about now...

My Trendy Tykes said...

Uh NO! Laundry never ends. I was up this morning @ 6:30 doing a load. I despise laundry and really wish my MAID would show up......

What? I don't have one?? hmmm....

