December 13, 2012

Christmas Decor is not my Specialty

I consider myself a Christmas lover.  I love all things Christmas....especially the tacky music and movies.
I think we have watched Twice Upon a Christmas approximately 27392567834967 times and I know it word for word, but who cares?  It's Christmas!!!!

I would love the season even more when there is snow, but today it was mild enough to wear a light jacket and no mitts.

I do not consider myself a crafty person which puts a huge downer on my Christmas decorating.  If I was organized and creative and rich, I would totally have the nicest house in town.....but I am not and never will be so I am s%$& out of luck!

Anyways, our decorations are simple and easy and...ummm....rustic, I guess.
I enjoy natural looking decor.
I enjoy decor that comes from the earth.  Does that make me a hippie?

We have three trees.
Our upstairs tree is fake. It doesn't really follow my "natural looking/one with the earth" decor, but.....well.....I don't have an excuse except I am too cheap and lazy to go out and buy new crap for it.  Don't judge.  There used to be a colour theme of burgundy and gold but now it is just full of too many ornaments!
Ornaments bought for me as a child and ornaments created by my kids.
Ornaments bought to match the colour theme. And ornaments with Santa photos. Even tractor ornaments. It's a variety and we enjoy it.
Our downstairs tree is real.  It is our "One with the Earth" tree and I love it so much I would make out with it if people wouldn't look at me weird.
{Note to self. Fix the ribbon at the bottom}
Pine cones.  Birds.  Birdhouses. Feathers.
I am totally a hippie.

The third tree is a small, fake tree in an urn that stands at our entrance.
It has been decorated with homemade ornaments that my kids have created at school/home/preschool.
One day I might change it up, but, for now I enjoy the scribble and messy-ness of my kids creations.

My decorating motto.
"When you have no ideas, use balls."
So that's what I do.....everywhere.
In vases. On garland.
In candle arrangements.
Or even in sleighs made out of tree skin.
Yep. Hippie.
Dear Martha Stewart. Please write a book about decorating with balls. Love Momma.

The fireplace mantel is my worst enemy at Christmas.
The garland doesn't stay.
The star falls over.
And I end up in tears anytime someone walks by it and breathes.
I have issues.

Every year since our first baby was born, we have bought an ornament {for each kid} and a book. We now have a basket full of Christmas books that rarely get looked at.
OK. That's a lie.
There are a few regulars, but most are dust collectors. Hmph.
One day my kids will appreciate all that I do........

Throughout the house we have random Santa stuff. If I listened more to the voices in my head, I would buy every rustic looking Santa around and decorate an entire Santa room, but I try to ignore the hoarder inside and appreciate what little we have right now.
Maybe I will do it when the kids move out............

And when Jersey the dog stops eating stuff.

Joining in with Kelly today.  Go here to see more Christmas decor.
And my favourite photographer in the universe, Cecily.
Give me your best shot at Better in BulkPhotoStory Friday
Hosted by Cecily and Lolli

See my decorating post from last year right here


Jennifer said...

Gorgeous, gorgeous mantle. I LOVE the star.

I'm into a theme too. Mine is red and white, candy/santa. It used to be red and gold, but I got tired of the gold. Right now I'm looking at one green ball on it and thinking, "WTF?!" I may have to go take that off.

Jennifer said...

Wow! That feather tree topper is amazing! I love your mantle, too! I love that you have three trees! I love Christmaaaaaaaasssss! ;-)

Gigi said...

Considering you said you decor is not your specialty, I think it all looks beautiful! I think you don't give yourself enough credit.

What Marty Sees said...

Oh, my goodness that dog picture is hysterical! And your mantle is stunning...I live it and wish mine didn't have a giant wall mirror behind it.

Stacy Uncorked said...

Absolutely LOVE your mantel! *aaaaahchoo!* Oh no, sorry about that... ;)

I must be a hippy, too, because I love rustic - and I love all your decor...and I love the idea of having a small tree just for the kid-made ornaments - genius! :)

Once Upon a Christmas Past...

Jenners said...

"Christmas Decor is not my specialty." Yeah right … LIAR!!! Love your "hippie" tree.

Natasha said...

I'm from Kitchener, also waiting for a white Christmas and also hopelessly addicted to decorating with Christmas balls. Nice to "meet" you!