January 29, 2013

Men are weird

That time there were 4 very full baskets of laundry sitting around the house.
And your husband decides to wash one pair of pants and one shirt for work tomorrow.
Live and Love Out Loud
My Organized Chaos
parenting BY dummies


Lindsay said...

Omg my husband does the same thing! That, and he leaves all his clothes in the dryer for me to hang!!

The Lovely One said...

At least he washed them! My husband would have cried and whined until I did it!

AiringMyLaundry said...

Ha! Sounds like something my husband would do.

Mary Gene Atwood said...

My husband has never touched a button on the machines. He will throw things in and then assumes that I will wash them. Men!

Unknown said...

That was the same time he didn't get any that night! HA HA HA! ;p

Gigi said...

Mine just walks around saying, "I need some clothes for tomorrow." Unless I actually say the words, "Honey, I don't have time for laundry today; could you throw a load in when you get home?" it will not get done!

Yup, your title says it all.

Jenners said...

Perhaps your husband needs his sight checked...

Susi_Snaps said...

My four-year-old knows how to use the washer and dryer better than my husband!!! :) So, yeah, this probably won't happen in our house. He's figure out how to get me to do it.