March 19, 2013


Oh, hi.
I am still alive.
Just took a blog break.
During this blog break, I debated many things.
Do I delete this ol' blog of mine and continue living life without documenting it?
Have I shared enough?
Should I find a new hobby?  Knitting, maybe?  Puzzles?  Ceramics?
Will my children {and husband} ever get sick of this song?

I didn't have an epiphany.
And, I am here.  For now.
Still unsure about the future of LLPYHO.

But I am sure of one thing.
*I am so frickin excited to be an auntie again!!!

Yes.  Momma is gonna be an auntie to the Hope's summer baby and I am losing sleep because I cant wait to sniff a perfect, lil human.  To kiss baby toes.  To hold a baby and then give baby back when he/she gets fussy.  To see my little brother as a father.  Our family needs this right now.  Actually, our family needs this all of the time, so I am secretly hoping my bro and sis in law have 9 kids..........

*Tomorrow is the first day of spring and this is our weather here right now.
Dear Mother Nature.
Bite me.
*March Break was last week, here in the Great White North.  Aside from losing my mind, we tried to keep the kids busy and away from the computer.  While the boys were away with their Dad, I surprised the girl child with a trip to Disney on Ice.
She loved it, just as I knew she would, and I will always remember watching her watch the show.

I will also remember the $12 Sno Cone.
*While in Hell {aka the mall on March Break}, we saw a reptile showcase, thing.
This is what the boys thought of it.
And this is what the girl thought of it.
Tweens are not much fun.
Just sayin'.
*Jersey the dog.
Our trainer warned the owner of a pitbull that our dog might attack her.
Yes, really.
Apparently he is dominant.  {um, yeah}
Has high prey drive. {hello, corgi attacker}
And may never get along with other dogs.  {shoot me now}
I am convinced he is the Devil's spawn.
Happy Wednesday peeps.
Be back soon....
parenting BY dummies
Live and Love Out Loud


Gigi said...

Congrats on becoming a new auntie soon!

And the look on your daughter's face was priceless! Yes, I'm sure you will remember that and the sno cone forever.

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh a new baby I am excited for you. I love being an Aunt.
I love the way you make me laugh.
Don't delete you will get back to it.
Love the pics of your kids faces:) B

Stacy Uncorked said...

I vote to definitely not delete - when inspiration or motivation strikes, you'll be glad it's still there. ;)

WooHoo! Congrats on the impending Aunt honor! :)

Love the boys vs. girl reaction to the reptile showcase - too funny!

Those glowing eyes on the doggy do make him look like the Devil's spawn! :)

Psycho Mother Nature

MTWaggin said...

I love how you write! I loved the comment on Dear Mother Nature Bite Me...exactly how I am feeling right now and BTW there is just no winning with tweens!

lsnellings said...

Mother Nature is starting to piss me off too. In Florida, we have skipped spring entirely and gone straight to summer in mid March.

Jenners said...

Having access to babies while not having to actually raise the babies is the best!! And I'm not regretting giving up my involved blogging life at all. Perhaps just a photo blog would work for you?