So, last week I totally did the "Wifely Duty" of tagging along with hubby on a business trip.
Too bad I didn't wear fancy dresses, lots of makeup and accompany him to business dinners while there.
Instead I did the tourist thing and wandered around with my camera in hand.
And I got lost.
In a big city.
But anyways......
I will tell you about that later.
Let me first tell you about Banff, Alberta.
I don't like to brag, but my country is probably more beautiful than yours.
I thought that before, but, after seeing Banff, I now know it is true.
The mountains.
The quaint shops.
The rocky bridges.
The trees.
The fresh air.
The green trees.
Perfection, people.
Go there.
Banff is now officially one of my favourite places in the world.

Stuff that happened while we were there.
* we rented a blue Mustang and drove around like we were uber cool 20 year olds away from their parents for the first time ever. {FYI I have never used the word "uber" in my life, until now}
* I ate steak 3 days in a row

* I searched for bears and moose and mountain goats
* But only saw deer

* We were surrounded by Asians. Apparently the entire population of Korea vacationed there at the same time as us.
* I was complimented on my perfume by the translator of a Korean man who wanted the name of it so he could buy it for his wife.
* Name of my perfume? Japanese Cherry Blossom.
I couldn't make that shit up if I tried.

* We went on a gondola ride to the top of Sulphur Mountain. I clenched my sphincter the entire time, terrified we were going to die.
* We didn't.

* But we almost froze to death.
Note to self. When going to the top of a mountain, dress appropriately.
Even the Asians knew that.

* I decided I need to learn how to ski and golf
* And that I need to move there
* But then I saw the real estate prices
So I think we will just visit.

Do you have a Bucket List?
Add this destination as a place to see before you die.
And take me as your tour guide.

Coming up on the blog....
Lake Louise. Holy Mackerel it is a beauty.
Calgary and the hidden world's inside it.
Stay tuned.

I do agree that it's beautiful there...but I have to say that the Tetons are even prettier. Jackson Wyoming is where it's at for the wildlife, the mountains and the awesome little town. Come visit, and we can have a blate. lol
much love!
Omg you were so close to me!!! Banff is 1.5 hours west of us...we live in Calgary! :) I'm so happy you liked it!!! And the Asians are always there lol
This makes me even SO much more excited for our trip! I cannot WAIT to see Banff!! WONDERFUL photos!!
What a stunning place! Your images are beautiful! Now I'd love to see it for myself.
Visiting from Rurality Blog Hop #19.
Oh wow! Definitely adding it to my bucket list.
It's been many years (40) to be exact since I've visited Banff National Park and Lake Louise so it was wonderful to revisit old memories through your fabulous and gorgeous photos. Love that last one. - Totally awesome view.
Some beautiful pics!
You could never get me up on one of those things,though!
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