....the last three weeks have been busy.
So busy, that I am actually looking forward to life slowing down.
To sitting....
What have I been up to?
planning and hosting {with my Mommy} a baby shower for my sister in law.
Lessons learned...
it's alot of friggin work
and stress.
Pinterest is my best friend.

a girls-only weekend that took me out of my comfort zone and into moments I haven't experienced in years.
It was nothing wild and crazy, but I was with girlfriends I have known for almost 30 years.
Girlfriends I drifted away from as we grew and discovered ourselves, and then recently reconnected with.
It felt weird.
And, oh so right.

a trip to Alberta.
Banff/Lake Louise/Calgary to be more specific.
Now added to my Bucket List........
visit every province in my beautiful country.
Holy balls, it was beautiful.

taking care of a dog.
A dog who licked his butt hole until it looked like hamburger meat.
A dog with an ear infection.
A dog who has a food allergy, and now has to eat Veterinarian-prescribed food at $127 a bag.

watching my children play soccer, lacrosse, gymnastics and love every second of swimming lessons.
Life is good.
So good that I want it to slow down so my babies stay young forever.

Bring on summer.
You HAVE been busy! Yeah, if you figure out how to keep those at the age they are (or heck, how to even take them back a few years; for my own personal benefit) let me know!
Oh my gosh, we just missed you! We are leaving for Alberta on the 28th!! We are going to see my cousin who lives outside of Edmonton but will visit Jasper, Banff and Lake Louise while there! I am SO excited!
Good to hear from you. :)
Wow, seriously BEAUTIFUL countryside! Canada is a gorgeous country, I'd love to visit again.
Your kids are playing sports AND liking it?! Wow, what happened?
Enjoy the lazy, hazy, days of summer. Boredom is beautiful.
Wait, $127 a bag?? MY food doesn't cost that much!
He is so gorgeous though...hopefully worth it? Welcome back and I'm glad you had a good time!
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