I have been struggling.
Struggling to remember my Daddy while moving on without him.
It sucks balls.
I remember three summers ago while out on the lake for a boat ride, just after my Uncle passed away.
My dad was upset that his brother was going to miss out on fun times like that.
He was going to miss spending time with his family.
He was missing out on life.
Three years later, while out on the lake for a boat ride with my Dad's family....us.....I think the same thing.
My Daddy is missing out on this.

But then when I look around, I see a butterfly fluttering around the boat....in the middle of the lake.
Every single time we venture out onto the water.
My Daddy is there with us.
Not missing out.

Do you believe that butterflies are signs from those who have passed on?
Do you believe they symbolize re birth?

I believe he IS there with you in some way. And I KNOW that your photos are wonderful.
Oh I understand this one he is there I know it because mine is with me also they would never miss out on those smiles and the laughter. Take care. Hug B
He is there - somehow, some way, he is there drinking it all in.
Yes, I do. And those moments are so very special and heartwarming when they happen. Patty/BC
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