Two rambunctious, testosterone-filled boys.
Two boys who are two years apart.
My boys are not quiet. My boys do not have a delicate bone in their body. My boys are, well...true boys.
100% boys.
I have noticed something. I have noticed that parents of girls do not enjoy being around boys.
They give me the look.
The "I am so happy I don't have boy{s}" look.
The "How is that mother walking around without a straight jacket?" look .
Let me give these parents some information.
I am fully aware that my boys are
and sometimes don't use their manners.
I realize that my boys are
wearing clothing that does not match.......
wearing rubber boots on a bright sunny day.......
out in public with messy faces.........
using the word "Geez" in every sentence.
I am fully aware that they
enjoy risky activities.........
eat too much junk food......
make huge messes.......
prefer to work with tools than toys.....
do not enjoy quiet activities.
So your looks do not scare me or intimidate me.
They only make me sad that you do not get to experience my life.
Because one day my boys will be men.
Men who aren't afraid to work and get dirty.
Men who aren't wimpy.
Men who will know how to fix things.
Men who aren't intimidated by others.
Men who know that looks don't mean everything.
Men who are comfortable in their own skin to be the person they want to be.
Men who take risks instead of the "easy way out".
Men who are happy.
That's all I have to say about that.

What a great post! I have two boys two years apart as well and as I'm writing this a door is being slammed because one just burped on the other and now chasing the burper to fart on him.... so thank you!
I have a boy and I can't tell you how relieved I was (after I got over the disappointment of not being able to play with the cute little girl clothes). I think boys are just much more even-keeled and everyone has told me "Boys are easier than girls." I think I believe it too! Yay for boys!
AMEN SISTER! I only have princess Reagan, but I sometimes swear that she was meant to be a boy because she can keep up with the roughest of them!
I am blessed with both a boy and a couple of girls. Let me tell you, just the one boy has enough of everything you said to scare off everyone who gives THE LOOKS!and I have seen my share. But you pointed out so perfectly that we need little boys to act like that in order for them to turn into the MEN you described!
Well Put.
Well said :) Boys are the best, I don't know what I would do with a girl..
Good for you and good for your boys! And don't who will need good women to teach them how to dress properly, LOL!
This was a great post!
I totally feel the same way. People that don't have boys or have boys after a girl don't get it at all. I totally get those looks too. Boys are awesome!
(I love my girl but there is just something about boys.)
Love this! I have two boys, 3 years apart, and I am SOOOO glad I don't have a girl! I don't have to fix hair, deal with hormones, care if clothes get dirty, etc. Although I still don't understand why they have to show love by knocking each other down, I do love them to pieces! Boys ROCK!
I only have 1 boy but I love this post and I so agree with you! Right on mama!
How right you are! I know that look! I get it OFTEN! My boy is ALL BOY and never stops unless he is sleeping!!! Great Post and I think I have to share it with all my moms of boys friends!!!
I LOVE it! *crying*
Amen!! My son was all boy and grew into a terrfic man - and a really great daddy!!
Great post and so true. I have two boys too.
Boys are barely housebroken, cannot be tamed and constantly over the line....thank the good Lord above that they do grow up and become respectable least some of them do. I'm gonna hold onto that hope...fingers crossed for BigBoy, k?
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