And Jillian!
And Maks!
None of you have called.
My children are out of control. They cut their stuffed animal's hair just for the fun of it. They hide bags of Oreo cookies under their beds. They pee outside. Write me awful notes. Not to mention the fighting, cursing, showing their privates to each other, throwing Play-Doh at the ceiling to see if it will stick and playing soccer in the family room. Supernanny...I am waiting for your call. And when I get it and do the ugly cry over the phone, please feel free to admit me to the psych ward at the local hospital while you work on my children. I want strong meds. I want sleep. I want quiet. I want my sanity back. I want my children to be angels when I come home.
And Jillian. Why arent you here with your attitude and harsh words forcing me to get on the treadmill????? Instead, I wait for your call filling my face with animal crackers and cheese. I blame it all on the Supernanny. If she called and whipped my children into shape, I wouldn't be so stressed and emotional. I would want to exercise while my children played nicely together and told me how much they appreciate all I do for them.
Maks. I am waiting for your proposal but apparently you are too busy with that tall blond chick who danced with you on that show. Pfft.
Or you heard about my misbehaved children.
Go see MamaKat here. She is a pretty funny gal. Ok, she is frickin hilarious! of her prompts this week was inspired by one of my posts. You can see that post here.

Seriously. How can Maks be calling you when he so obviously needs to be calling me?! :) What a fun post!!
Good to know my kids aren't the only ones who pee outside! Another great post! I chose the inspired by you "have you ever?" prompt from Mama Kat this week...such a good idea.
Don't be jealous but 2 years ago I applied for Supernanny and one of the producers called me. I was having one of my frantic moments picking up my kids from daycare and she asked if I had a moment to talk.? My answer " it's a bad time right now." She said she was going to call back. She never did. I lost my chance.
keep trying. You sound like you need the nanny. I'm scared of Jillian. I'd run if she knocked on my door.
great people to come and help and yes I'm waiting for my calls too.stopping by from mama kats
I wrote a post about Jillian a little while back. It wasn't nice. When I saw her new show advertised I considered hiding. I just knew she was going to show up at my door to be mean to me in person. I'm a lot braver over the internet.
(that's kind of a lie, I'm pretty brave in person too, but I still don't want her coming to my house)
I still use the "Do I need to call Supernanny?" ploy on The Boy...I guess now, at almost 15, he doesn't want his shenanigans broadcast on national TV, and he straightens out.
And he always watches the show, it's one of his favorites.
Surely they'll see this plea and coming calling ANY minute!! ;)
And for the record, my kids cut things too.
But you do know that Supernanny always blames the parents, right?
Utterly fabulous!!! But please - no Jillian. I've never even watched the show, but I'm scared of her.....
I could use the Super Nanny up in here too. Oh and Maks, yeah... Maks... dreamy...
Thanks for the smile!
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