January 23, 2013

A Po-etter to Lance Armstrong

One of MamaKat's prompts this week was to write an open letter to men. This is mine. To one man.
I like to call it a po-etter.
Half poem
Half letter

What were you thinking?
Did you think it was right?
To lie to the world
and tell us everything was alright.

Did you think you could go on lying
Telling them they were wrong
That you never did illegal drugs
And competing was where you belong

The medals you won
The competitors you beat
The endorsements and sponsors
And friends of the elite

It was all just a show
Because of your selfish deeds
And many were hurt
Their forgiveness you will need

Despite your horrible actions
over many, many years
I have one thing to say
so I have to change gears

The money you raised
raising millions for cancer
is the one good outcome
and the only good answer

To the question we will ask
in the many years ahead
What did Lance Armstrong accomplish?
Aside from the lies that he said
I like MamaKat
And Deb Duty Photography


Gigi said...

He has so much to answer for, that goes without saying.

The charity he started, is without question, amazing. And I'm sure they will go on to even more good work. I just hope they aren't tainted by his actions.

Sara K said...

I'm still in shock over this whole scandal.
poem letters = awesome.

Mary Gene Atwood said...

I guess I wasn't surprised. I do appreciate all the money he raised for cancer. And the worst is he wasn't alone. If it seems to good to be true, it probably is.

Mary Gene Atwood said...

I guess I wasn't surprised. I do appreciate all the money he raised for cancer. And the worst is he wasn't alone. If it seems to good to be true, it probably is.

Tamar SB said...

Wow - well said! So sad that this horrible scandle and his horrible lies tarnish the good work he has done for cancer...

Unknown said...

You were able to so perfectly capture my feelings in this poem. I am really angry with him. But thankful for all he has done to bring light to cancer. Beautifully written.

May said...

I keep thinking of all the people who trained so hard for those races and competed fairly. They will never get back the opportunity and experience he stole from them with his selfish actions.
May he find redemption in Livestrong.

Just Another Mom of Twins said...

I haven't taken a big interest in this BUT it is shameful what he did.

However, his illegal drug use and extremely poor sportsmanship should not shadow the amazing amount of money and work he has done in the name of cancer.

Great POST!

annie said...

I've always despised him and I'm glad now to have a valid reason for doing so! And to drink Mich Ultra again.

Visiting from Mama Kat's!

Lady Goo Goo Gaga said...

i also blogged about lance and the concept of lying -
I really don't care about bicycling (like most people) - but I do think his good outcomes that have come from his foundation might outweigh the bad.....

Madamdreamweaver said...

Well said. I wish the media would quit talking about him all the time. He's a dishonorable guy and doesn't deserve the spotlight.

Bo said...

perfectly written!

Unknown said...

I like how you kept it short and sweet. I've read a couple of LOOONG posts/articles about this but you said it best and briefly. BRAVO!

Jenners said...

Well said. It is really sick what he did … but you make a good point that he did raise a lot of money for cancer. What a shame to see someone that a lot of people admired and trusted and looked up to admit such disgusting behavior.

TMWHickman said...

I can't be too hard on Lance. When my husband was diagnosed with cancer, Lance's story helped him cope, just like millions of other cancer survivors. He did what he did because everyone else in cycling was doing it, and he wanted to win, just like every other competitor. I wouldn't trust him to do my taxes, but in the grand scheme, I can forgive him.

Azara said...

That is an excellent point. He did a lot of good along with his lies.

Visiting from Mama Kat's.