August 18, 2011

My therapist tells me to appreciate the smallest of successes. I am trying really hard.

Guys, I'm so sad.
Our garden this year is not doing so well.
It has been so hot and dry that we haven't had much luck producing alot of the vegetables I love so much.
Broccoli was a huge disaster.  I finally ended up pulling it all and throwing it into the compost pile.
Our beans.  We get like 4-5 a day.
Our cucumbers are long, skinny and wrinkly like old dried know.
Our tomatoes are OK but we didn't stake them early enough so they flopped over.
They are very small.
Just not how I like my tomatoes.
Although I have been making bruschetta every single day for lunch and it has been quite yummy, so I shouldn't really complain.
Size isn't everything I guess.
The carrots are small and odd shapes.
But the bunny likes them so I guess that's a good thing.
The onions are small but that's OK because I don't like them anyways.
Gardening successes are few.
I am trying to celebrate the small positives because my therapist says I should.
Green peppers.  We have so many, I have been giving them to random strangers who walk by our house.  I hate green peppers.
Zucchini.  They are huge and long.  Perfect.  Except I don't like zucchini.
Beets.  I even made beet relish.  I hate beets.
Green onions.  Anyone want some?  I hate the buggers.
Acorn squash.  I have eaten so much of it that when I think of eating more, it makes me ill to my stomach.
And sunflowers.  WTF do I do with sunflowers other than take a few pictures and put them in a vase?
Do you have a garden?
Has it been a good year or craptastic year?
Anyone want some sunflowers?
Remind me next year to plant stuff I actually eat.
Thanks muchly.

Go see Kailani for more Aloha Friday questions.

Go see Cecily for more Photostory Friday stuff


Gigi said...

If you want to send some peppers this way, I know a family that would be very, very happy.

Hubby did a very small garden this year. It didn't do so well either; but there is always next year!

But celebrate the little things, as they say. I keep trying to do the same - but DANG it's hard some days!

Heatherlyn said...

We don't have a garden. :( We have a ton of strawberries but the birds eat them all. :P I love the zucchini. I could eat it every day. But because I am not growing it in my garden and don't live next door to you sometimes I have to pay up to $2 a pound for it and that really stinks cuz sometimes that's like $8 for zucchini for one meal. I hate that. I love green onions in omelets and salads. Could you make any sort of a soup with the acorn squash? I have a pumpkin soup that is so fantastic and I wonder if you couldn't do the same with the squash. Tomatoes are great no matter how big or small.

And I even like bell peppers.

I have no idea what you would do with the sunflowers either!!!

I wish I had a garden. I have envy for people who can grow their own vegetables and fruits and berries. Especially the berries. *sigh* maybe next year.

Foursons said...

Google Sunflower house on Family Fun. They had a SUPER COOL structure made out of the flowers!

Amethystmoon said...

I love sunflowers! My fave and one of the things I really miss about living in New England. I kill anything I try to grow here in Florida because it's just too hot!

Stacy Uncorked said...

Seems Murphy and his Law like to stalk you too, eh? Bummer the things you don't like are the very ones that are flourishing!

I can empathize with you - what I did plant didn't do well at's been way too hot and humid this year since May - I'm actually hoping for a nice cold snowy winter this year! :)

Boys are Different - Bedtime Routines

Anonymous said...

Gardens get better with the years. Yes, plant food that you and your family love! Ours is doing much better this year than last, but even we still have some that don't do well. It's the nature of the beasts to have on and off years.

I am Harriet said...

I use to grow sunflowers when my kids your small. They made great show and tells.

Have a great rest of your Friday!

kailani said...

No garden for me since I have a black thumb. I even killed an orange tree within a week.

The Busy Coconut said...

I wasn't able to do a garden this year. I have big plans for next year.